my 100th post
Had originally intended to post my 100th post on sunday, after the ublues performance, telling you how much I now love Trevor Jalla, but due to some fault with picasa, I couldnt put up a photo, and so decided to heck it.
Long run-on sentences, doncha just love them?
Today did something i'd never thought i'd do. Went out to east coast for cycling with dom and hozea, of all people. Its not that i dont like them or something, its just that i NEVER go out with them normally; and just the two of them alone somemore, just very incongruous. People from bay will understand what i mean.
We were meant to meet at 12 at macs. I instructed dom to give me a wake up call at 11, to which he complied, but i went back to sleep right after that, only to wake up at 12:40. Was abit startled at the lateness, but then i remembered... dom and hozea. Haha, no bad feelings yeah guys?, but none of us are exactly famous for being on time. And true enough, dom was late and aezoh was at bugis for some reason. No harm done!
We cycled, though i didnt really feel like cycling. And aezoh fell (he was blading) for apparently no reason. There we were, just going along, and suddenly he just kinda flips over. Didnt see any bump in the road or nothing. weird.
I guess the guys also felt it abit weird for us to be out, or maybe im being abit presumptious. I was pretty comfortable actually, but there were many silences. Strangely enough, comfortable silences, to me anyway. My thoughts buzzed around in my head with the ferociousness of an angry bee, and the next moment they were as calm as the distant horizon. I felt like going out with them made me retreat into my thoughts, like we were collectively seeking solitude, as ironic as it sounds, thats really what i felt. i know im weird, but im just trying to report the reality in my life.
After cabbing down to tanjong pagar with aezoh i went to bugis to meet daddy. As usual, he picked the magazine stand as a meeting place. I got there early this time and started to browse. Didnt know there were SO many trashy fashion, entertainment, fitness, bridal magazines around. But i chanced upon Guitar Player Masters Series which was doing one on Heroes of the Electric Blues. After my recent encounter with blues, and my current adoration for Trevor Jalla, I knew i just HAD to buy it, $18 price tag or no. So I did. ($10 contributed by dear old dad)
Made myself even happier with some ya kun kaya toast. Love the stuff. Finally bought my red bull shirt but its a little too big for me. Ah well, cant be perfect ya. Commuted home with dad, in rush hour traffic. Me and dad talked about Frogs, in particular this frog that he wants to buy for me as a pet. It sounds quite fabulous actually. It starts off the size of a 50 cent coin but at full maturity is about the size of an apple. Its length is the same as its width, so its kinda square and squat. Its mouth is as big as its face (i had me some fun trying to image a human with such proportions). They eat mealworms but also baby mice. That was the clincher. What a kickass pet!
At taekwondo (henceforth abbreviated TKD) the teacher (aka bruce lee) said that i wouldnt get a double promotion at the grading this saturday. Dang. I had my heart set on being a colour belt. But i guess i can still work at it, i havent even been graded yet so its really too early to say.
Starting to really like the kids at TKD. They are just so full of energy, running about at every opportunity. Their antics are really quite endearing. Noticed this little boy (no more than 6 by my reckoning) who's already a green belt, he has these amazingly long lashes k! Something about them being waist-height... just kicks in this "awww-factor" hidden deep down inside me. Their naturalness and uninhibitedness, they'll just come up and ask you the most inane things. This little indian boy (long lashes too!) gave the aunty a sticker today, so cute, let her choose somemore. And you should see them do taekwondo moves in their small outfits! Enai'd have a fit!
On monday this guy in class called daniel talked to me, he's 20, a paramedic and was apparently from AJ too, and lives very near me, ave 1. He didnt go home right after class, and i didnt want to trouble myself with halting conversation on the way home, so i hung around with the small girls and walked with them. The other time there was this other guy who caught up with me from behind (see archives), last week i found out that his name is joel, J2 hwachong and lives in the same condo as cherie. Was slightly relieved that they werent there today, cos awkward halting conversation is quite tiring for me. But today as i was walking back, just wished i had someone to walk with me and make it less boring. Would have been very happy if Pearl (sec 1 girl) did, she stays so near me, but she went out to buy stuff at central instead. Hai, its not exactly right to say that i miss enai, cos i doubt she would walk me home from TKD, but i miss having friends around me all the time i guess.
Came back, had a bath, read the papers, read my Guitar Player while listening to Everyday I Got the Blues, and then finally finished reading Of Human Bondage and a glass of homemade bandung. And before i knew it, it was 3+.
I read alot, and i love it.
While going through the book, i found some parts incredibly delightful, just took my breath away to read them, so much so that i felt compelled to blog it down and express it in my own way (see archives). But some parts i felt were so incredibly stupid, and reading through them was tedious. Which was why I started and finished other books like Graham Swift's Waterland before i finished OHB (Of Human Bondage). But at the end of the book, everything comes together, even the stupid parts, and you realise that it was just Maugham's way of helping you see the stupidity of the character and the wholesomeness of the conclusion in contrast. But that having been said, I still thought that the book was too drawn out and tedious, that Maugham is at his sharp, incisive best when he does short stories. What the book did manage to do superbly was to lay out Maugham's understanding of human nature and the meaning of Life; I used to think him incredibly cynical (which was why i liked him? dunno), but i now see that behind it, at the end of the day, what he still believes in is... haha, to spell it out would be to give away the ending. I don't agree exactly with his ideas but its so well written... So read it for yourselves dears, wonderful wonderful stuff.
Thought from looking out at the sea: Why do people always say "the waves lazily lapping at the shore"? The waves are NOT lazy, they are incessant, persisting moment after moment into perpetuity.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
tapioca. sweet and mushy or crispy and bland. depending on how you cook me.
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- Name: beckyboo
- Location: Singapore
i am extraordinary, if you ever get to know me, i am extraordinary, i am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
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Hey! Joel, in J2 in Hwa Chong? He might be my junior...ask him if he's from Humanities, and if he is, tell him Vivienne said hi! :)
yup sure thing. But he hasnt been coming to TKD regularly, think he's holed himself up to study. If he comes for grading will name-drop! And then run out of things to say, haha
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